What is 'Slot Masters'?
Fought your way to victory against your fellow Slot Masters competitors? I bet you're excited to see where you ended up! We've got the answers to a couple of your most popular questions here.
My name was on the leaderboard, where is my prize?
After you've completed your battles, you will see your name and leaderboard position. This reflects exactly where you've placed at this moment in time. However, there may still be other players with games left to play so this position isn't final yet. Rest assured, we will credit prizes to the eligible winners within 24 hours of the promotion ending.
If you wanted to see what leaderboard position you finished at, you can go to "My Battles" in the top-right corner of the Game Lobby (on PC) or top middle of the screen (on Mobile).
The "My Battles" page says that I won a prize, where is it?
"My Battles" shows tournament prizes from all previous tournaments rather than just the latest one. Please make sure you're looking at the most recent tournament as that will show where you placed and what prize you received, if any. It's possible you may be looking at a prize from a previous tournament.
The Slot Masters Game won't load, what should I do?
If you have problems with loading the game, please follow the steps on the How do I clear my Temporary Internet Files? article.